143km/hour in a 80km/hour zone in Sheldon

Sheldon got a mention in Day two of the Queensland Easter Road Safety Campaign, but not a good mention:

More than 90 drivers were charged with drink driving while more than 4,200 drivers were detected speeding across the state.

The highest speed detected was a vehicle travelling at 143km/hour in a 80km/hour zone in Sheldon.

During the Easter period, police will enforce high risk road user behaviour including the Fatal Five: speeding, fatigue, impaired driving (drink and drug), failure to wear a seat belt and distraction and inattention in a concerted effort to minimise road trauma.

Preliminary Data for Day Two shows an improvement on the same period for 2013, with the exception of the increase in Speed Camera Offences recorded:

2014   Progressive Totals 2013
Traffic Crashes
1 Fatal Traffic Incidents 3
1 Persons Killed 4
44 Injury Traffic Incidents 74
49 Persons Injured 88
Alcohol and Drug Testing
30,691 Random Breath Tests Performed (RBT) 42,490
231 Roadside Drug Tests Performed (RDT) 426
160 Drink Driving 180
15 Drug Driving Roadside positive tests (yet to be analysed) 9
Traffic Offences
5,649 Speed Camera Detections 4,843
2,144 Speeding (Other) 2,447
83 Seat Belts 132
160 Mobile Phone Offences 218
1,512 Other Offences 1,951
3,899   Total Offences (infringements) 4,748


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