How fast is your Internet connection ?
I was reading an article today where someone was saying that this area is really bad, and even ADSL is not available.
Obviously some areas will have problems, especially in the more rural parts of our location, but I wonder in general, what sort of service does the average user get.
You can tell how fast your service should be, from the plan details that your InternetProvider supplies to you, but… how fast is it really ?
The answer is at your keyboard:
If you wish to do the test yourself, click on the above link, then click on the button. This test only takes a few minutes, and you can then add the result to the comments on this page.
To add the result, please copy the “Direct Link“, as shown in the image below, and past it in the comments box at the end of this post. You can, if you wish, also add the plan details you are on, the suburb you are in, and what your monthly plan cost is.
This may be of interest to others in the area to see what is actually available.
This is my result in Victoria Point, from an 8Mb ADSL connection costing $75.90 per month, with a 12Gb download limit:

What I also found interesting was that the Australian Internet system was compared in the article to the UK, USA, Netherlands and Germany, with Australia being quoted as 26th out of 30 in the World.
I am not sure where those figures come from, but the world results show the following for those countries:
Top Countries Ranked by Speed out of 181 countries.
- 4: Netherlands 21.86 Mb/s
- 12: Germany 14.71 Mb/s
- 27: United States 9.89 Mb/s
- 36: United Kingdom 7.86 Mb/s
- 37: Australia 7.47 Mb/s
Agreed, we are low compared to those in mainland Europe, but the UK only beats us by a tiny fraction. The article that I am questioning selected 30 countries, and placed Australia 26th out of 30. Using the above results, we could select the top 36 countries, and say that the UK came 36th out of 36, or the USA came 27th out of 27. Whilst Australia came 37th out of 181. Selected figures can be very misleading.
An update on the average Internet Speed for some countries:
Back in September 2010 I showed these figures:
Top Countries Ranked by Speed out of 181 countries.
4: Netherlands 21.86 Mb/s
12: Germany 14.71 Mb/s
27: United States 9.89 Mb/s
36: United Kingdom 7.86 Mb/s
37: Australia 7.47 Mb/s
Now, in February 2011, those same countries are listed as:
6: Netherlands 24.72 Mbps
9: Germany 20.06 Mbps
30: United Kingdom 10.89 Mbps
31: United States 10.67 Mbps
44: Australia 8.41 Mbps
My own results after changing to ADSL2+ in Victoria Point
The cost for this is $69.90 per month with a 100Gb Data allowance.