B & T Graham, Plumbers & Drainers
2d Tipuana Drive
QLD, 4157
Tel: 07 3390 3716
Mob: 0419 773 370
Operating in Qld for over 25 years with a family history of 3 generations in the plumbing industry
For the locals of Brisbane Bayside and the Redlands.
Over priced and incredibly unhelpful. Our builder employed this plumber and therefore we were obliged to continue with his service for a short period. We told him that we had purchased toilets from an auction before work had commenced on our renovation yet he still installed the wrong plumbing and therefore we were forced to purchase 2 new toilets. The bathroom vessels weren’t installed properly as they move every time you lean against them to get closer to the mirror. When it came to getting our home finally approved, he sent us on a wild goose chase and caused a lot of frustration and heartache because of lack of communication skills, he preferred to text than actually answer his phone. In the end we got another plumber to come in and finalise everything for us and get the home approved. Overall experience with this plumber was very poor. Would not recommend him.