News Headline: ‘Campbell Newman is lying to you, and he knows it’

News Headline: ‘Campbell Newman is lying to you, and he knows it’

The actual story:

Campbell Newman is running in the electorate of Ashgrove.

He has been quoted as saying that Annastacia Palaszczuk will be premier if he loses his own seat to Kate Jones (ALP candidate for Ashgrove).

That is not neccesarily the case, as the LNP could still win even if Campbell Newman loses his own seat.

Therefore it is said that he is lying by saying that Annastacia Palaszczuk would be premier in that situation.

It is what he expects, but may not actually happen.

I prefer to think of lies as a bit more worrysome than that !!

All politicians (of all parties) lie, and we all know it.

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