Victoria Point, Queensland, 4165
Victoria Point is about a 45 minute drive to Brisbane City
Peak time travel can be up to around 1 hour 40 minutes.
Victoria Point is located between Cleveland and Redland Bay

Victoria Point 2011 Census Data
- 14,817 Total persons resident in Victoria Point (excluding overseas visitors)
Place of Birth
- 74.80% Australia
- 8.00% England
- 5.30% New Zealand
- 1.20% South Africa
- 0.90% Scotland
- 0.50% Germany
Income and Employment
- Median weekly individual income for persons aged 15 years and over who were usual residents was $541
- The median weekly household income was $1,234.
- The median weekly family income was $1,444.
- 6.1% Unemployed
In the 2011 Census there were 5,265 occupied private dwellings counted in Victoria Point
- 85.7% were separate houses,
- 13.3% were semi-detached, row or terrace houses, townhouses etc,
- 0.9% were flats, units or apartments
- 0.1% were other dwellings.
- 33.8% of occupied private dwellings were fully owned,
- 34.7% were being purchased
- 24.8% were rented.

Victoria Point 2006 Census Data
- 13,753 Total persons resident in Victoria Point (excluding overseas visitors)
Place of Birth
- 75.90% Australia
- 7.10% England
- 4.60% New Zealand
- 1.10% South Africa
- 0.70% Scotland
- 0.60% Germany
Income and Employment
- Median weekly individual income for persons aged 15 years and over who were usual residents was $449
- The median weekly household income was $1,058.
- The median weekly family income was $1,159.
- 4.1% Unemployed
In the 2006 Census there were 4,879 occupied private dwellings counted in Victoria Point
- 85.4% were separate houses,
- 12.1% were semi-detached, row or terrace houses, townhouses etc,
- 2.2% were flats, units or apartments
- 0.2% were other dwellings.
- 34.8% of occupied private dwellings were fully owned,
- 34.4% were being purchased
- 23.3% were rented.