Temperature in Redlands

Average Temperature in Redlands, Queensland

The coldest 9am Temperature was 12.9 °C on 2nd July 2017, and the highest 9am temperature in that cool month was 18.3 °C, on the 18th.
The coldest 3pm Temperature was  16.1 °C on 7th July 2017, and the highest 3pm temperature in that month was 23.9 °C, on the 5th.

The warmest 9am Temperature was 29.9 °C on 13th February 2017, and the lowest 9am temperature in that warm month was 24.0 °C, on the 28th.
The warmest 3pm Temperature was 31.0 °C on 8th January 2017, and the lowest 3pm temperature in that warm month was 22.2 °C, on the 3rd.

Average Temperature in Redlands, Queensland

The coldest 9am Temperature was 12.9 °C on 2nd July 2017, and the highest 9am temperature in that cool month was 18.3 °C, on the 18th.
The coldest 3pm Temperature was  16.1 °C on 7th July 2017, and the highest 3pm temperature in that month was 23.9 °C, on the 5th.

The warmest 9am Temperature was 29.9 °C on 13th February 2017, and the lowest 9am temperature in that warm month was 24.0 °C, on the 28th.
The warmest 3pm Temperature was 31.0 °C on 8th January 2017, and the lowest 3pm temperature in that warm month was 22.2 °C, on the 3rd.

February 2017 had the highest mean temperature of 27.1 °C at 9am and 28.5 °C at 3pm
July 2017 had the lowest mean temperature of 15.2 °C at 9am and 20.2 °C at 3pm

Lowest and Highest Temperatures at 9am in Redlands

Lowest 9am temperature in Aug-16 was 14.4 °C and the Highest was 21.6 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Sep-16 was 17.6 °C and the Highest was 22.4 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Oct-16 was 16.7 °C and the Highest was 24.3 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Nov-16 was 19.9 °C and the Highest was 29.7 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Dec-16 was 20.6 °C and the Highest was 28.6 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Jan-17 was 23.1 °C and the Highest was 29.5 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Feb-17 was 24.0 °C and the Highest was 29.9 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Mar-17 was 21.6 °C and the Highest was 28.7 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Apr-17 was 15.7 °C and the Highest was 23.3 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in May-17 was 14.1 °C and the Highest was 22.5 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Jun-17 was 13.2 °C and the Highest was 19.7 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Jul-17 was 12.9 °C and the Highest was 18.3 °C
Lowest 9am temperature in Aug-17 was 13.4 °C and the Highest was 23.1 °C

Lowest and Highest Temperatures at 3pm in Redlands

Lowest 3pm temperature in Aug-16 was 16.3 °C and the Highest was 23.6 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Sep-16 was 20.1 °C and the Highest was 24.9 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Oct-16 was 19.1 °C and the Highest was 25.8 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Nov-16 was 21.6 °C and the Highest was 29.0 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Dec-16 was 23.2 °C and the Highest was 29.9 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Jan-17 was 22.2 °C and the Highest was 31.0 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Feb-17 was 26.1 °C and the Highest was 30.9 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Mar-17 was 24.3 °C and the Highest was 29.6 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Apr-17 was 20.6 °C and the Highest was 28.5 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in May-17 was 16.4 °C and the Highest was 25.2 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Jun-17 was 16.6 °C and the Highest was 23.1 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Jul-17 was 16.1 °C and the Highest was 23.9 °C
Lowest 3pm temperature in Aug-17 was 19.0 °C and the Highest was 25.1 °C

Source: BoM Redlands

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