Water restrictions were removed in South East Queensland from 1 January 2013.
This included the Redlands area.
The OLD rules (effective from December 1st 2009) were:
- Efficient sprinklers and hoses can be used to water gardens and lawns (but not from 10am to 4pm or on Mondays) and as long as it’s in accordance with guidelines
- Vehicles and outdoor areas can be washed at any time – as long as water is used efficiently
- New pools can be filled with town water and existing pools can be filled as long as efficient fittings are in place
- Rainwater can be used at any time
- Please use only what you need
- Residents are encouraged to continue to use less than 200 litres per person per day.
That means:
- NO WATERING on Mondays at any time
- NO WATERING between 10am and 4pm on all other days
The following restrictions/regulations should be noted:
- Sprinklers can be used again, for up to 30 minutes with under 9 litres per minute restriction. ie: a maximum of 270 litres per day.
- Irrigation systems can also be used, but again with a 9 litres per minute maximum flow.
- Paths and driveways can only be washed when significantly dirty.
- Vehicles, houses and outdoor living areas can be cleaned at any time with water efficient equipment.
- The aim is to allow 200 litres of water per person per day
A suggestion for you:
- Read your water meter each week, take a note of the number and subtract the previous weeks number. This gives you your water use for that week. Divide that number by 7, then divide that result by the number of people in your house.
If the result is under 200, you are doing well. If it is over 200… have a look to see what water usage you could trim down on.
If your result is closer to 2,000 don’t panic yet, you may have just missed that last digit on your meter reading… (I’m speaking from experience here
The following documents/Fact Sheets can be downloaded from the Queensland Water Commission :
The Queensland Water Commission ceased operations on 1st January 2013.
Policy-making functions were transferred to the Queensland Department of Energy and Water Supply
Planning and Regulatory functions were transferred to Seqwater.